El diseño y desarrollo técnico de elementos expositivos individualizados, el estudio de iluminación específico para cada espacio y pieza o el asesoramiento histórico-estético y de conservación para la creación de cada proyecto museográfico, definen las intervenciones permanentes del estudio, cerca de 40 museos y espacios en los últimos 25 años.
The studio’s permanent interventions are defined by the design and technical development of individualized exhibition elements, the study of specific lighting for each space and piece or the historical-aesthetic and conservation advice for the fulfillment of each museographic project, over 40 museums and spaces in the last 25 years.

Aplicamos en nuestros proyectos efímeros la experiencia acumulada en más de 800 montajes, con el mismo cuidado por el detalle que en los montajes permanentes. En este caso el uso específico de las formas, el color y las texturas, la luz y la imagen, el ritmo, la metáfora y la anécdota, etc. y especialmente el énfasis en el argumento narrativo como motor de diseño, permiten generar una semántica única para cada uno de los proyectos.
Our temporary projects are built up around the experience gathered over 800 assemblies with the same care for detail as in the permanent interventions. The specific use of forms, color and textures, light and image, rhythm, metaphor and anecdote, etc. and especially the emphasis on the narrative argument as design engine, give us the possibilitiy to generate a unique semantic for every single project.

When designing for architecturally significant spaces of historical importance, the aim is always to create a fluent dialogue between the architecture, the exhibited work and the visitor. The exhibit’s design is therefore conceived as skin «that helps telling a story», adapting to the human scale yet also capitalising on the pre-existing architecture.

We believe in the experimentation and the use of new technologies to improve the narrative of the exhibition’s contents, generating innovative experiences. We produce interactive exhibitions, unique physical interfaces, audiovisuals, mapping, smartphone and tablet applications, etc.

The studio has a long experience in the development of graphic design projects: corporate identity, web, editorial design and signage. Always approaching them from an interdisciplinary point of view, in association with the best graphic design studies and with the client, our mission is to find the solution that best fits your communication needs.